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October 24, 2018PDM Planning Grant Application All PDM presentation materials available online
Covers the process to developing and applying for a FEMA Planning grant through the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program. This training content is focused for tribal governments interested in learning about the PDM grant program.
October 17, 2018PDM Project Grant Application DevelopmentView webinar recordings (multi-part)All PDM presentations and materials available for download.
Covers the process to developing and applying for a FEMA Project grant through the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program. This training content is focused for tribal governments interested in learning about the PDM grant program.  The Project subapplication webinar is presented in 4 parts.

Part 1: Funding cycle and priorities, Eligible Project types with several examples of funded projects.
Part 2: Project Scoping & what to consider when selecting a project.
Part 3: Developing a quality & complete Project subapplication: Scope of Work, Cost and Budgets.
Part 4: Additional project application elements: Damage History, Engineering Feasibility, Cost Effectiveness, & Environmental/Historic Preservation.
March 1, 2018 Building Resilient Communities with Green Infrastructure and Hazard Mitigation PlanningView this webinar and more from the EPA here
The benefits of incorporating green infrastructure into hazard mitigation planning to improve community resiliency have long been recognized.  In this webcast, presenters will focus on two pilot projects co-sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in which two communities enhanced their resiliency by integrating green infrastructure elements of their stormwater and watershed plans into their hazard mitigation plans to achieve co benefits such as improving water quality and preserving resources.
February 7Webinar: Release of the Tribal Mitigation Plan Review GuideView the webinar recording (Closed Captioning)
Note: The February 7 and 21 are the same webinar. Register for just one.

FEMA is releasing the Tribal Mitigation Plan Review Guide (Guide) which will update and supersede the existing tribal multi-hazard mitigation planning guidance issued in 2010. The updated policy document will guide how agency officials (mitigation planners) interpret regulatory requirements in their review and approval of tribal mitigation plans. The Guide will become effective on December 5, 2018.

Please join the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning Team and Regional Tribal Affairs for a webinar presentation on the new guide including the basic requirements for standard and enhanced mitigation plans, and updated plan review tool. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
May 26, 2017​Performing Natural Hazard Risk AssessmentsView Recording (Closed Captioning)Download presentation and materials from the webinar
Risk assessments form the factual basis for community/tribal natural hazard mitigation plans. In addition to informing the mitigation strategy, the risk assessment can be used to establish emergency preparedness and response priorities, for land use and comprehensive planning, and for decision making by elected officials, city and county departments, businesses, and organizations in your community.

Join the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning Team as we show you how to go through the natural hazard risk assessment process, identify available data and stakeholder resources for conducting risk assessments, and provide insight into how to use the risk assessment.

Guest Speakers from Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) will show examples of their risk assessment process and products
September 22, 2017​Establishing the Tribal Mitigation Planning FrameworkView webinar recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation for the September webinar
FEMA Region 10 supports 271 tribes of which many have proactively developed a tribal mitigation plan. Tribal mitigation planning provides the framework for a multidisciplinary approach to natural hazards risk reduction. Join the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning team as we provide an overview on tribal mitigation planning and guest speakers discuss how their respective tribes have approached mitigation planning. Topics include
• Tribal mitigation planning requirements
• The similarities and differences between tribal requirements and state/local planning requirements
• Technical assistance to develop mitigation plan
• Funding available to develop a plan/implement projects
March 31, 2017Effective Public Engagement in Mitigation PlanningView recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation and materials from the webinar
What is your community's mitigation outreach strategy? What stakeholders do you engage throughout the mitigation planning process? Do you engage both internal and external audiences? What techniques work best for your community?

A plan that accurately reflects the community’s values and priorities is likely to have greater legitimacy and “buy-in”, and greater success in implementing mitigation actions and projects to reduce risk. Planning teams need to ensure that stakeholders and the general public are given opportunities to be involved during the planning process and in the plan’s maintenance and implementation.

In this webinar, the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning team will look at various options in developing a mitigation plan outreach strategy that engage both internal stakeholders and the public. We will look at examples of surveys, websites, world café, and other means to engage the public.
November 17, 2017Integrating Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans into Local PlanningView the webinar recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation, Safe Growth Audit, and all other documents from the webinar.
Local plans, such as the comprehensive plan, economic development plan, and transportation plan, establish policies that are intended to guide a community’s day-to-day land use decisions and capital facilities expenditures. These policies have a major impact on whether people and property are exposed to natural hazards as well as the extent to which they are vulnerable to injury and damage. Therefore, it is imperative that these policies are based on best available hazard data, including the nature of local hazards, the vulnerability of people and property, and the potential destruction that can be caused by these hazards. This hazard data is the foundation on which natural hazard mitigation plans are developed.

Join the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning Team and guest speakers as we look at opportunities for integration, review examples, and identify resources to integrate plans into local plans.

Guest Speakers
Jay Wilson is the Clackamas County Resilience Coordinator with the Department of Emergency Management.
Molly Mowery is president of Wildfire Planning International, a consulting firm dedicated to helping communities increase their resilience to wildfire.
August 25, 2017Incorporating Climate Adaptation into Natural Hazards Mitigation PlanningView webinar recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation and materials for the August webinar
Addressing ‘climate change’ at the local, state, or Tribal-level may feel like trying to tackle an amorphous idea, on top of an already heavy work load. The natural hazards mitigation plan, however, can provide a structured format for addressing specific impacts of climate change within existing planning efforts; and provide a starting point for linking with other planning mechanisms. This webinar will explore the potential of the plan and the planning process for addressing climate science and adaptation options. Topics covered will include where to find data on climate change impacts, how to prioritize specific impacts for your community, and examples of integrating data into the hazard risk assessments and mitigation actions.

Guest Speakers:
• Michael Cardwell, Community Services Director, Quinault Indian Nation
• Dan Rizza, Program on Sea Level Rise, Climate Central
December 8, 2017Informing Recovery through Natural Hazards Mitigation PlanningView webinar recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation and other referenced materials from the webinar
A key goal of both hazard mitigation and recovery is increasing resilience. Although these two activities differ in many respects, this shared objective of increased resilience allows mitigation and recovery planning to reinforce one another and leverage greater benefits within the development of plans, and programs or projects. Because both mitigation and recovery planning can be carried out pre-disaster, there is generally ample time to coordinate activities and promote more widespread attention to resilience.
Join the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation and Recovery Planning Team, and guest speakers as we review opportunities for integration, review examples, and identify resources.
June 23, 2017​Integrating Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans and Community Wildfire Protection PlansView Webinar Recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation and materials from the webinar
Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans (NHMP) and Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) both benefit communities striving to reduce risk to natural hazards. Though one plan is focused on the wildfire hazard and other is focused on multi-natural hazards, the requirements of what needs to be in the plans are similar. As a result, some communities have chosen to integrate the two planning documents. Join the FEMA Region 10 mitigation planning team as we highlight the benefits of integration, steps communities can take to integrate their current NHMP and CWPP, and how the state agencies can work together to achieve plan integration.

Joining us are Idaho Department of Lands and Idaho Emergency Management staff who have developed a process in Idaho to work with communities in plan integration, as well as a plan review process between the two state agencies.
April 21, 2017Developing FEMA Mitigation Planning GrantsView Recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation and materials from the webinar
Join us to learn about:
• FEMA planning grants offered through the Hazard Mitigation Assistance program
• Best practices in developing a planning grant scope of work
• Fundable planning activities
• Process to developing and applying for a FEMA planning grant, whether through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) or Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program.

Guest Speakers
• Steven Randolph, FEMA Region 10 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Senior Specialist
• Angie Lane, Oregon State Hazard Mitigation Officer
• Susan Cleverley, Idaho State Hazard Mitigation Officer
October 27, 2017​Addressing Social Equity / Vulnerable Populations through Mitigation PlanningView the webinar recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation, equity tool, and more for the webinar
Throughout the development and implementation of a community's natural hazards mitigation plan, there are opportunities to recognize key equity issues. For example, did the plan recognize the need to remedy the potential inequity of poorer populations being exposed to more hazardous locations, as an outcome of their lower incomes rather than of conscious choice. Planning teams are responsible for ensuring the public engagement process reaches all populations in the community and criteria is established so that mitigation strategies are designed to meet the needs of underserved populations. This webinar will provide examples and resources to improve your community's mitigation planning process.

Joining us are Jonna Papaefthimiou, Planner with City of Portland who used an Equity Analysis Screening tool to review mitigation strategies in their 2015 plan update; Himanshu Grover (AICP), Co-Director of the Institute for Hazard Mitigation and Planning, University of Washington, who will discuss the opportunities for communities to address social equity through the mitigation planning process.
July 28, 2017​Developing an Effective Mitigation StrategyView Webinar Recording (Closed Captioning)Download the presentation and materials for the webinar
The heart of any natural hazards mitigation plan is the mitigation strategy. The strategy serves as the long-term blueprint for reducing your potential losses identified in the risk assessment. The mitigation strategy describes how you will accomplish the overall purpose of the planning process. This webinar will explore how to connect your risk and capability assessments with your mitigation strategy, engage specific audiences in developing the strategy, and the process to identify and prioritize specific actions to reduce risk.
Join the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning Team as we look at the mitigation strategy components, review specific Region 10 examples, and identify resources to assist with developing your mitigation plan strategy.
January 27, 2017Introduction to Natural Hazards Mitigation PlanningView Recording (Closed Captioning)Download the Webinar Materials
What is mitigation planning? What is a mitigation plan? Should you complete a mitigation plan only for a grant? Can you integrate the mitigation plan with other local plans? Join us in January as we provide an overview on mitigation planning and set the stage for all the upcoming 2017 topics. We’ll look at different agencies involved in mitigation planning; describe the planning process; provide the benefits to a mitigation planning; identify stakeholders involved in mitigation planning; and highlight resources and guidance for mitigation plan development and implementation.
Join the FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning team as we provide an overview of mitigation planning and answer your questions.
8/31/2019None at this time
There are no items to show in this view of the "Webinar_Dates" list.


FEMA Region 10 works with 271 tribes and the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The Regional Mitigation Planning team offers technical assistance and training for all of our tribes, states, and local communities on any aspect of natural hazards community planning.

View the other tabs for more information on technical assistance and training services.


Natural hazards community planning is relevant to a wide group of stakeholder both in the public and private sector. This includes 

  • Community planners
  • Emergency managers
  • Floodplain managers
  • Public works staff
  • Communication specialist
  • Natural resource managers
  • Business owners
  • Wildland fire mitigation professionals
  • Local government officials
  • Tribal leaders
  • Contractors
  • Anyone involved in the development and implementation of natural hazard mitigation strategies
Visit FEMA's National Mitigation Planning Program site to learn more about news, events, policies, planning requirements, and locate resources.

Region 10 Contacts

Reach out to the Mitigation Planning team to have questions answered, receive technical assistance, or learn more about training. We are located in Bothell, WA.

Contact John Schelling, Senior Community Planner, at

 Technical Assistance Opportunities


Technical assistance is provided by Regional Mitigation Planning staff to any of our tribes, states, and communities. This is a free service offered both in-person and via phone/webinar. Our team areas of expertise are in the following areas of natural hazards community planning:

  • Integrating the mitigation plan into local planning
  • Effective public engagement
  • Mitigation strategy development
  • Development of hazard and vulnerability assessments
  • Identifying planning team members
  • Developing a mitigation planning process
  • Climate adaptation
  • Monitoring and evaluating the mitigation plan
  • Integrating the Community Wildfire Protection Plan and Mitigation Plan
  • Addressing mitigation during post-disaster recovery
  •  FEMA planning requirements

 Don’t see what you are looking for? Reach out to us to see how we can assist.


 Training Delivery

The FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Planning Program offers both in-person and online trainings through the year. Topics include local and tribal mitigation planning requirements, best practices, strategy development, building the planning teams, integrating mitigation plans into comprehensive plans, addressing social equity, and more.


Training is delivered in-person and through webinars. While these trainings mostly offer examples from Region 10, registration is open to anyone throughout the country.  All trainings are free and inconjunction with state or tribal partners.

Review the tabs on the left for both past webinars and upcoming in-person/webinar training.

Contact the team about customized natural hazards community planning training.